VAST brings the benefits of simulation training to a wide range of contexts. The Course is designed to be portable, locally adaptable and affordable. It reinforces essential clinical practices and focuses on non-technical skills relevant for anaesthesia providers and perioperative teams. Through partnership and capacity building of a local facilitator network, VAST promotes the ability for enduring and sustainable delivery of simulation-based education.
VAST was first piloted in Rwanda, January 2018 with the support and partnership of Dalhousie University, the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society International Education Foundation (CASIEF), the University of Rwanda and the Rwanda Society of Anaesthesiologists (RSA). Colleagues at the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors (SCSCHF) and the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) were instrumental in steering VAST’s development.
In 2020 Vital Anaesthesia Simulation Training (VAST) Ltd was registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. A special thanks to Dr Christian Mukwesi for all of his efforts and input to VAST.

Adam Mossenson
Consultant anaesthetist at SJOG Midland, Perth, Western Australia and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University. Adam’s interests span global health, medical education and simulation training. Founder and co-author of VAST, Managing Director of VAST Ltd.
Patty Livingston
Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesia at Dalhousie University. Interests include medical education, global health, simulation and chronic pain management. VAST co-author and VAST Ltd Board Member.
Gaston Nyirigira
Consultant Anesthesiologist & Pain Physician at the University Teaching Hospital of Butare. A clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Rwanda and President of the Rwanda Pain Society. A member of the WFSA pain committee and the International Association of Study of Pain Developing Countries Working Group. Gaston is a VAST Ltd Board Member

Michelle Murray
Faculty at Registered Nurses Professional Development Centre, Halifax. Committed to education and simulation training. Instrumental in VAST’s design and a VAST Ltd Board Member.
Roger Goucke AM
Specialist pain medicine physician and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Western Australia. A co-author of the Essential Pain Management program with interests including pain management, health education in the developing world and pain in the elderly. Roger is a VAST Ltd Board Member.
Thomas Druitt
An anaesthetist working in Brisbane and a senior lecturer at the University of Queensland. He is interested in education and equity in global health. Tom is the secretary and a board member of VAST Ltd.
VAST draws upon existing programs aimed at improving the quality of anaesthesia delivery in low-resource settings. In reinforcing consistent clinical frameworks and through building capacity of the local facilitator network, VAST complements these existing programs:
- Essential Pain Management (EPM)
- Safer Anaesthesia From Education (SAFE)
- Helping Babies Breathe (HBB)
- Primary Trauma Care (PTC)